translated by ;-)
Tuesday, 14 March 2006
- 7 °
it was so cold this morning at 8.15 o'clock at this time is I joggen gone and, today had I quite to collect itself, over not equivalent again into the warm dwelling to smelled...; -)
I forced myself however and - whole honestly - the beginning was rather badly.... that away, which I mostly take, lead across an open field and the bise went like something and blew myself in the face, in addition still (it do good-end) the sunbeams, those me then however in such a way blinzeln left direct - besides the icy wind - that for me nevertheless actually the traenchen in the lashes froze to small ice clumps.....also that is me now never happened....
otherwise I can only praise it today: -) I was not fast on the way and had further problems... except: once I am gestolpert over a small frozen herdklumpfen and it would have been missing not much and I would be fallen... pig had....
thus one day catches I outstanding on feels well better, than already for a very long time not more although to me the joggen very much was missing, had I lately nevertheless very much motivation problems and I white now, from where these agitate... actually commonly exactly then should sport be good super a vicious circle.....
hexamore - 14. March, 10:18
10 comments - write comment - 0 Trackbacks
witzig, da wird wort um wort übersetzt... z.b. "once I am gestolpert over a small frozen herdklumpfen".... hi hi...
- 7 °
it was so cold this morning at 8.15 o'clock at this time is I joggen gone and, today had I quite to collect itself, over not equivalent again into the warm dwelling to smelled...; -)
I forced myself however and - whole honestly - the beginning was rather badly.... that away, which I mostly take, lead across an open field and the bise went like something and blew myself in the face, in addition still (it do good-end) the sunbeams, those me then however in such a way blinzeln left direct - besides the icy wind - that for me nevertheless actually the traenchen in the lashes froze to small ice clumps.....also that is me now never happened....
otherwise I can only praise it today: -) I was not fast on the way and had further problems... except: once I am gestolpert over a small frozen herdklumpfen and it would have been missing not much and I would be fallen... pig had....
thus one day catches I outstanding on feels well better, than already for a very long time not more although to me the joggen very much was missing, had I lately nevertheless very much motivation problems and I white now, from where these agitate... actually commonly exactly then should sport be good super a vicious circle.....
hexamore - 14. March, 10:18
10 comments - write comment - 0 Trackbacks
witzig, da wird wort um wort übersetzt... z.b. "once I am gestolpert over a small frozen herdklumpfen".... hi hi...
hexamore - 14. Mär, 16:50
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